Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Getting ready for The Fair!

wow it's hard to believe I haven't posted since December. I have been busy working on a few things for the fair though. Our fair is in July, so I only had a little over a month to finish up several items. I need to get on the ball! I have a few things to choose from I'm not sure what all I will enter... Working on a couple of different sculptures, a jewelry piece, a tatted ornament, Plus I have a few things in the back of my mind So far what I have finished,(but don't know whether I will enter or not) Screaming Opossum
sandworm hat
Seymour from HR Pufnstuf
Luci...from Disenchantment
like I said I have several things in the works and several things possibly planned. So keep checking back to see what I come up with!

My 3 D Tatting