Monday, July 15, 2024

2024 County Fair!

oh my! I was so excited, happy and surprised at my results in the Fair this year! I had 20 entries...and here is how they "faired". (wink wink) In the knit and Crochet department... my Skull granny square afghan won Sweepstakes & 1st!
This was a very big surprise as I entered the Afghan just because I made it, and I thought,why not? I in no way ever thought it would win a prize, maybe a third at most, because I had seen many beautiful Afghans in previous years. The comment tag read that the judge was happy to see something different. I created this pattern after seeing so many skull Afghan squares that had many many cuts and ties. I did not want to do all that cutting and tying, so I came up with a way to make the skull in one pass. Sandworm hat... Judges choice, sweepstakes and first prize! Again, an odd entry that I didn't think would win. So excited at how well it did!
next in the tatting category… bird that swims ( a misfit toy). Another surprise considering he is so small, and another tatted item I entered did not win at all.
Alongside the bird you can see my filet crocheted pumpkin doily. It won second prize in the household category. Next up, my little screaming opossum. I think he is adorable! There is a free video on YouTube of how to make him. He won first prize in the toy category.
my last two entries in this department were Zed the zombie, second prize, and Seymour the spider, from HR Pufnstuf, who won first prize!
In the crafts department… Another fantastic surprise! My "Witch Hazel" sculpture. She won judges choice, sweepstakes and first prizes! I was very very happy about this because she was such a labor of love. She was one of my favorite characters in the Bugs Bunny cartoons when I was a kid. Her cute little cackle, always chasing Bugs with her little ax, and every time she would run, her tiny hair pins would fly out of her hair. In the sculpture you can see that Bugs has left his mask and candy to escape her, and you can also see her hair pins on the floor. She is about 14 inches tall.
Another very exciting win in the craft category was my Queen Bee. She won sweepstakes and first prizes. I patterned her after a sculpture by Scott Smith. I really love the things that he makes, and I can't afford them because they go into the thousands of dollars, so I make my own versions. This Queen sits on her hive with her honey scepter and sovereign orb in hand. My 3d tatted Christmas ornament of the Mad Hatter was a bit disappointing. I really love him and I love how he turned out, but evidently the judge did not, so he did not win any prize.
You can see him here next to my Baby Grinch... who surprisingly won first place. And in the recyclable categories… Here is my Hocus Pocus Spellbook made from an Altoid tin. It did not win a prize. And also here is my Frankenstein Halloween candy jar made from a dog treat canister... he won third prize!
Another little sculpture I did is the bat in candy corn costume. This is patterned after a Wee Forest folk sculpture, again, not something I can afford, but all of her sculptures are mice and I decided I wanted a bat. He did not win, but that does not make me love him any less.
Finally in the jewelry category… I made the Maitlands from Beetlejuice! They won second prize!
So those were all of the handmade items. In the antiques department here are all my entries... Witch Teapot no prize.
Jam Plate...2nd prize
Milk glass bowl.. no prize. But I don't feel bad because only ONE out of the MANY entries in the milk glass category won prize...and it was third. I guess the judge didn't like any of the entries.
Another surprise for me… in the cookie cutter category… I entered this cute little Droopy the dog cookie cutter from the Tom and Jerry cartoons. He won second place. I mistakingly put woody woodpecker on the card. Whoops!
And last but not least, this celluloid button with a metal ornate cap, won third prize. I know it is a bit hard to see, but it is a yellowish color, and quite pretty.
As I said, I am so very happy with all my winnings and very very surprised at some of the ribbons they received. I have already begun to make a list of what I might want to enter next year! I hope you had fun looking at all my creations!


Lelia said...

WOW .... what wonderful awards. Well done Carol!!! Awesome entries & I"m super excite for you

Jane McLellan said...

Congratulations! You really did well. Hats off to the judges who chose items that were unusual.

Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

You always amaze me with your creativity! Congratulations on your well deserved recognition! My favorite piece of yours is still my Grandfather Clock from Captain Kangaroo. I think of you every time I look at him.

battatter said...

Thank you so much ladies for your wonderful comments!
Lelia... thanks I am super excited myself!

Jane... I know right? I never thought that my skull Afghan would win anything nor my sandworm hat. I am always confused by what the judges will choose !

Diane... thank you so much. I love that grandfather clock and I'm so glad that you still have it. I never did make another one… So yours is still one of a kind!

My 3 D Tatting