Thursday, January 7, 2010 new Challenge

Ok, so I have been doing a lot of knitting lately. I am really enjoying this new hobby, but, I need to keep up with my tatting, too. So, to this end, I am challenging myself to make one tatted ornament per week until Christmas. If I do this, I should have at least 50 ornaments to adorn my tree by the time I put it up this year. Wouldn't that be nice? Ok, so, this is the 7th of January, and technically the end of week one, but, I will give myself leaway, as I just decided to do this, and say I must do two next week to catch up. After that.. the task master says.. ONE PER WEEK!  Anyone care to join me in my challenge? If not, that is cool, you can watch my blog for my posts and wish me luck with my new challenge!


Jane Eborall said...

Good idea and good luck!!! I won't promise to join you but it seems like a great idea.

Sally Kerson said...

Go for it! Think I'll watch you, can't keep up with challenges like that.
Good luck

Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

I was thinking of challenging myself the same way. I'll let you know how it goes!

battatter said...

Cool, Diane.. we can urge each other on!

Anonymous said...

what kind of tatted ornaments? Are they motifs? Let me know. I may join in the fun with you.

Maureen said...

I tat during the day, when I can see, and knit in the evenings - there's time for both!

battatter said...

Rayanna..any type of tatted ornament I am in the mood for.. I am currently tatting my reindeers in a row edging and I am going to put it around a ball ornament. That will count as 1! So, if you want to make any snowflake, or roundish motif, or whatever.. join me!

battatter said...

Maureen.. I either tat or knit in the morning when Martha Stewart is on, and then in the evening. hmmm I will have to do both!

Anonymous said...

how cool the reindeer ornament and your angel is so pretty.

My 3 D Tatting