Sunday, July 28, 2024

Something new for Halloween

I was recently thinking about trying to make some new Halloween tatted patterns. I had a couple of ideas. Then, I was looking on Facebook, on which I have a group membership in a Halloween group that is basically people showing where you can buy Halloween decorations. They have been going crazy over this cute little ghost walking a dog that they are selling at HomeGoods, TJ Maxx and places like that. Unfortunately, there are no stores like that in my town...the only thing we have is Walmart. But anyway, these cute little ghosts with the dog are all the rage. People are going crazy trying to find them… Reminiscent of when people tried to find cabbage patch kids. I do find them very cute, but, as I said, they do not sell them around here and even if they did, I cannot pay the extravagant prices they have on them. So I just had this bright idea today to try to make a tatted version. I quickly scrawled out a sketch, and tried one out of both the dog and the ghost. And on my second try, I think I have a version I really like. So I give you my version of the cute tatted ghost walking his dog...
Oh yes there is also a female version that has flowers around her head I might try to make one of those, too.

1 comment:

Lelia said...

Awesome! Very nice tatted pattern. I didn't know ghosts and dogs were a thing

My 3 D Tatting